All Posts By J.ournal

For America

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Right about now, if not for the coronavirus
the summer Olympics would be starting
do you ever watch the opening ceremony?
the pomp and circumstance
the songs and the verve and the dance
the torch lighting
the parade of the participants
they walk out onto the world’s stage in
unison, each nation unanimously uniformed
carefully costumed in customs
to characterize their heritage
then, near the end of this exhibition of traditions
comes the United States of America…

and it looks like a mix of every other country
you see red, white, and blue
but you see a lot of other colors too
you see the smiles
you see the strength that comes
when diversity is merged with purpose
melded by the moxie
to churn mettle into medals
and grit into gold
united by the will to come home as champions
but it was postponed until next year
and I wonder if we’ll even still have team USA by then
I wonder, is America even possible?

this idea of a melting pot
with 330 million ingredients
the delicacy of such a delicacy
will we savor it, or spit it out?
slogans painted on courts and roads want to know
the fire is inquiring
as it drips from awnings of unrest
in the shards of shattered windows
our reflections beg the question
will the American experiment excel
or explode?
will the most prosperous and free country in the history of the world cannibalize itself?

I don’t know

what if we re-envisioned patriotism
into not believing our country is perfect
but believing it’s worthwhile to make our country better
what if we didn’t think of it as pledging allegiance to a flag
but as pledging allegiance to the fabric
that we’re all made of
liberty, equality, and justice are in our constitution
not because we’re American
but because we’re human

it’s why these truths are self-evident
it’s why the yearning to be part of something greater than ourselves is so prevalent
this law that’s written on all of our hearts
is so much more important
than any law that could be written in a Capitol building

if we were willing to live by the tenets of respect, love, and grace
we wouldn’t need to separate ourselves by gender, income, or race
if our conscience is collective
our government doesn’t need to be
what this means to me
is power to the people
we forget, we are powerful people

MLK Jr said we need to be co-workers with God
even if you don’t believe in God
we still need to be co-workers in good
we need to see the good in each other
we need to see the good in our country
yes, learn about slavery, the Confederation, and Jim Crow
but also learn about
Garrison, Gettysburg, and Harriet Beecher Stowe
learn about lynchings, plantations, and segregation
but also about emancipation, the Cold War
and the greatest generation
learn about our most egregious breaches of freedom
learn them so well
that we’ll never feel the need to repeat them
learn about the courage and the passion that we unleashed to defeat them
learn about the failures and successes of America
learn how they’ve both been twisted
learn about what the world would look like today if America never existed

learn, and let us be free to discern
and seek,
and by any means necessary let us be free
to speak

let us be immersed in serving
let us reason our way to our convictions
and not be convicted by coercion

you can’t create a utopia with imperfect people
but you can create a place where people are free to be imperfect
can we at least agree that such a place would be worth it

whatever your intentions
whatever tactics you’re employing
just ask the question
am I building, or am I destroying?
ask not what your government can do
but what you can do

stop looking at everything through glasses that are tinted red or blue
and to the mainstream media – stop tinting everything that the masses are looking at

we can write a much better narrative

look, I don’t know if America is possible
it’s never been done before
but I know the only way to find out
is to want it
and to work for it
to operate from a position of hope and not hate
to thirst, not for blood but for brotherhood
we have to give what it takes
we’re gonna have to summon some of that golden mettle
and moxie and grit
and God and good
and find the will to make our way

when the olympic flame makes its way
to the next opening ceremony
the eyes of the world will be watching to see what countries take the stage

I don’t want to root for
west America, or east America
or coastal America, or middle America
or black America, or white America

I just want to root
for America


When They Come

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In early 1930s Russia
the Kulaks were the enemy of the state
their crimes?
having an extra cow
owning any kind of machine with a motor that helped them work faster
hiring someone to work on the farm
trying to sell any extra grain that they harvested
or not showing enough signs of starvation
because that meant they were hiding food

and what would happen to one of these privileged peasants
if they were caught?
well, their homes would be pillaged
not that it mattered
because they would never live there again
among the more fortunate rewards for this insubordination
was to board a one-way cruise to a labor camp in Siberia
and if those travel plans didn’t work out
the consolation prize was a beating, a rape
and a shovel
to dig their own grave

the mainstream news continuously abused the Kulaks
accusing them of all of the country’s economic blues
if you listen close
you can still hear the echoes

the crimes of the modern-day Kulak?
having an extra computer
owning any kind of machine with a motor that helps you get to work faster
hiring someone to work at your company
trying to sell any extra goods that you produce
or not showing enough signs of dependence
because that means you’re hiding self-sufficiency

when they come
they’ll tell you they’re trying to solve a wealth deficiency
that they’re freeing people from poverty
but they’ve only ever freed people from property
it is not free stuff
it’s no stuff
because anything that you might think is yours
is only yours until someone that ranks above you shows up at your door
and implores you that it’s not
it doesn’t stop with the rich
or the middle class
or the poor
it doesn’t stop with your property
or your children
or your thoughts you see
no amount of socialist distancing can hide you from this kind of virus
the welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants

when they come
they’ll offer you a green new deal
but the old red deal had guaranteed government jobs too
they were called Gulags
you do not want to start the utopia machine

no regime with collectivist intentions has ever been given an inch and not taken a mile
because at the heart of every socialist scheme
is a communist manifesto

the problem is not the execution
it’s the disillusionment
of any system that
disincentivizes work
cancels charity
annihilates ambition
overthrows ownership
and completely misdiagnoses the human condition
it could never work
it cuts to the very soul of the human plight
because freedom is the first fundamental human right

it’s why no one was ever shot trying to get IN to East Germany or North Korea

but what say ye to the struggle?
what about inequality?
there’s a big difference between humanitarian work
and forced work for the good of humanity
one produces good humans
the other reduces humans to goods
we are absolutely answerable to the call of compassion
but forced compassion is not compassion
it’s just stealing
and listen, we can agree
that capitalism and communism both have extreme greed
but only one has extreme generosity
the other has firing squads

and lest you think you’re not one of the Bourgeoisie
and the hairs on the back of your head will never be the cross kind
bear in mind that every purge of the Bourgeois in history
has also included loyal comrades suspected of individual thought
and ethnic minorities and many of the proletariat
just because they had some extra bullets

history is littered with those who wished for liberty
and those who took it

when they come
they’ll say trust us – this time it’ll be different
but a ruse by any other name
would smell just the same

in a free society we will have to fight inequality
in a society where everyone is forced to be equal
we will have to fight
to be free
which will it be?


To Build or Destroy?

Name one country on this planet whose borders have never changed. Whose land was never fought for. Where every single inhabitant is an ancestor of someone who sprouted forth from within those borders. Name one country whose bedrock isn’t mottled with the cinders of conflict and the ashes of savagery. Can you?

I’m going to assume that you don’t approve of the practices of many Europeans during the colonization period of America, such as murder, pillaging of land, and slavery. By this logic I’m also going to assume that you don’t approve of the practices of the people that lived on this land before the Europeans came, like murder, rape, slavery, pillaging, scalping, roasting people over fires, and tearing the hearts out of children.

I’ve got some bad news. Humans have been doing this to each other ever since there have been humans. But stop and think for just one minute. Think about how you’ve never had to take part in or be the victim of such atrocities. Think about the luxury you have to sit by your sparkling pool on the 4th of July and make up songs about how much you hate your country. The luxury you have to dance on the flag and stomp all over the sacrifices that strangers made for you.

Think about how you’ve never had to shed one drop of blood for your freedom. How you’ve never had to fight for anything. And I don’t mean Twitter battles. Or making posts like this. I mean the unimaginable trauma of taking a life, or watching blood bubble out of your body because someone else can’t agree on where one country ends and another starts, or because you’ve given your life in the perpetual plight of defending the line between where liberty ends and communism starts.

Seriously. Think about it.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Sure, it’s great for me but it’s not so great for oppressed group X”. By now it should be clear that that narrative is constantly being hijacked for political purposes. But it’s also clear that there has been genuine oppression in this country, some systemic forms of which still exist. But think again about freedom. If you truly want to help, you’re free to find someone that needs help and help them. You’re free to start a literacy program. You’re free to teach someone a skill. You’re free to enliven someone by showing them the value of work. You’re free to start a humanitarian aid organization. You’re free to volunteer. You’re free to assemble peacefully and petition your government for a redress of grievances. You’re free to open your home. You’re free to get a job and put all of your spare earnings into making a real difference in your community. You’re free to do so many things that this paragraph could be thousands of words long and still not come close to chronicling them all.

You can’t right past wrongs. But you can make future rights. Equal opportunity is a beautiful thing to fight for. What’s also beautiful is the person you become by building something instead of tearing it down. This is the heart and soul of the American ethos, built by the virtuous vision of the founders: a place that protects your God-given right to make whatever you want out of your God-given life.

To deny the transcendental truth of the principles put forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution is to deny the very composition of human nature. Have all American citizens lived up to every covenant outlined therein? No. Has any group of humans ever lived up to their collective code of conduct perfectly? No. But the foundation is there. The values are valiant. And to deny that America has made strides toward living up to its ideals is to deny reality. To tear down that foundation is a grave mistake.

Take one minute and think about what you’re asking for. Regurgitating the rhetoric of America being founded by slavery on stolen land and being irredeemably evil is not only short-sighted and deceitful, it’s dangerous. You’re inadvertently (and in increasingly more cases blatantly) advocating for Civil War 2. You know what that means right? Murder. Pillaging. Blood. Death. Concentration camps. Roasting people over real fires, not just on social media. If the side of communism wins, firing squads. Drawing new borders. Anointing new kings. Taking over land that was someone else’s. All the things you say you’re against. All the atrocities you’ve been so lucky to avert in your lifetime. You want to bring them all raining down upon yourselves and your fellow citizens?

We’re at a tipping point. This is our moment of truth. The fate of our country and our children will be determined by whether we choose to build or destroy – right now. If you care at all about humanity the way you say you do, the choice should be clear.


Consider 2020

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This Independence Day, consider the state of the union. Or rather, the state of the division.

Consider freedom. Consider its fragility. Consider how it feels like an old friend that you haven’t seen in a while.

Whether or not you agreed with the recent government-imposed restrictions, consider how easy it was for liberty to be locked down. Consider the capriciousness of a select few deciding who and what is “essential”. Consider that next time, what you value the most might not make the cut.

Consider the importance that those who are supposed to secure the conditions required for us to exercise our agency have instead required us to capitulate to their conditions of what’s important.

Consider free speech. Consider how free you feel to speak your mind publicly. On this trajectory, consider how long you think it might be until you feel the same about speaking your mind privately.

Consider which kinds of large gatherings have been allowed, and which have not. In a time of crisis, consider which precedences they remembered, and which they forgot.

Consider that the youth in this country are now taught to hate it.

Consider the philosophy hidden behind the phrases. Consider what people are now being called racist for. Consider that “racist” now means anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the latest dogma du jour.

Consider 2020. But also consider 1920, when the Bolsheviks were coming to power in Russia. Consider how they too took control of the media and the educational system, how they erased history and raided personal property. Consider how they rebranded the family as a government commodity.

Consider the utopia they created by eradicating 50 million perceived oppressors.

Consider what’s been destroyed so far. Take stock, because the national anthem, the free market, freedom of religion, the Bible, and the Constitution are all next on the chopping block.

Tonight, consider the muted celebrations. The music that isn’t quite as loud. The crowds that aren’t quite as inspired. The fireworks that don’t fly quite as high… if you’re lucky enough see them at all.

Consider what was built by all those that came before.
In the days that come after tonight,
consider what you’re willing to fight for.


I Am Not Shaken

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mock me, slang me, scourge me, hang me
I was just trying to give you some good news
betray me
profane me
take my name in vain
take my name and proclaim it’s vain
take a flame and propane to the pain I overcame
the shame of these aspartame aspirations
as pertaining to authority
exasperatingly pushing paradigms that are 5 cents short of a quarter
I’ve never been in the majority
so deporting me from my own creation is unfortunately familiar
I’ve seen this one before

I was not shaken when a scribe tried to cross my words
I am not shaken when a scribe buys a laptop and microsoft word
editorials in the times
telling me I’m not up on the times
when I’m up on top of time
shredding me in reddit threads, flogging me in monologue jokes and blog posts
rotten tomatoes will never stand a chance against a rock though

my love is not in any way shaken by hatred
my laws are not in any way shaken by breaking them
as much as the earth may quake and
sway with ferocity and fraudulence
or swirl in great whirlwinds of animosity and opulence
I will not be disheveled
good is good
evil is evil
I will not be… deviled

as long as there’s been truth
they’ve longed to bend it
but lies don’t become true just because they’re trending on Twitter
no condescending comment on Youtube will ever become scripture
like I didn’t get the picture
when I painted it
like I didn’t understand what was in the cup
when I tasted it
like I didn’t understand the stakes of mediation
when I became it
like I didn’t understand the stakes
when they hammered them into me
this is not the first time they’ve spat at me
or abandoned me
they’ve always sat around tables and slandered me
they just didn’t always have video cameras

I am not shaken by heresies or blasphemies
or taken by appearances or majesties
or pharisees or sadducees
I am everlasting
eternal truth amidst evaporating snapchats
I was instagramming at the birth of the universe
no filter, it was good
the first ever like
I spun together galaxies
I am not one to get undone by spun together fallacies
and perverted versions of reality
before the Earth was flat
before the sun and planets revolved around the Earth
before you even dreamed of leaving footprints on the moon
or roving around the frozen estates of Mars
I made stars
and no matter how much space these telescopes can parse
they will never gather enough photons
to illuminate hearts

it’s a cold world
to keep warm they’ve always burned believers
spurned redeemers
purged the teachers
empowered the proud and the hateful
devoured the faithful
then turned beleaguered
sprouted towers of babel
it’s never worked but I still see ‘em
trying to reach into heaven with Burj Khalifas
never learned the sequence
the last shall be first

so try as they may to distort the day
they can scorn me say the sun doesn’t exist
but these daily morning rays would say otherwise
no matter how many times the world turns away
every day I rise
I’m still the light and the life
the good shepherd
the eternal exemplar
tarred and feathered, scarred but unfettered
the living water, the earth, wind, and the fire
the undeniable messiah for good measure
the only begotten son
the greatest victory ever won was done
when I surrendered

so mock me, slang me, scourge me, hang me
assail me
impale me
kill me
I’ve seen this one before
I am
I always was
and I always will be

I am not shaken.


Life is Precious (I’m Glad You Agree)

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we should do everything we can to save just one life
right Governor Cuomo?

No one is expendable
right vice president Biden?

all human lives are precious
right Mayor Garcetti?

I’m glad you all agree
because when a society loses respect for human life
amen to that society

life is precious
even when you light up the World Trade Center in pink to boast
that life is disposable
especially notable because you emphatically organized
that vainglorious devotional
on the very grounds where 11 unborn children are memorialized
next to their mothers
forever etched in stone
for dying at the hands of one of most awful acts
of violence against innocent human life that we’ve ever known
a crime that we surely do not condone

life is precious
even when it’s a burden
we just put tens of millions of people out of work and
didn’t even bat an eye
we would crumble economies
while we mount our immunity
we would risk hunger and homelessness and depression and suicide
on countless in our communities just to save one life
that we would make that kind of sacrifice

yes, life is precious
we all know it is
that doesn’t change based on whether news of pregnancy is followed by congratulations or condolences

the worth of a soul
is not based on how much they are wanted

life is precious
no matter how many euphemisms we have to make up
to justify the carnage
you know what you feel when you read about
a baby that’s been stuffed into a shoebox
and found in the garbage
as if abortionists aren’t doing the same thing

we’ve all felt the contractions
the only thing worse than the death penalty is
getting the death penalty for someone else’s actions

life is precious
my Dad’s life is precious
my grandmother’s lives are precious
my 1-year old boy’s life was precious when he was a week out of the womb
and his life was precious two weeks before that
you don’t get to choose when life becomes precious
unless you’re God
and I don’t see your white robes

I don’t know if these measures are showing humans at their best
or exposing them at their worst
because if you would go to these lengths to protect someone that is a month away from taking their last breath
why don’t you protect someone that is a month away from taking their first?

life is precious
it’s why every newborn baby’s face has a claim on you
you can’t help but feel the hope for humanity
the amazement of creation
and the wonder for what he or she will become in this world
what do you feel when you see the aftermath of an abortion?
can you even bear to look?

the wounds of the womb run deep
whether it’s a plane or a physician doing the piercing
either way
we’ve got blood on our hands

life is precious

I’m glad you agree
because when a society loses respect for human life
amen to that society


There Will Be Heroes

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I guess we were pretty lucky to be arguing over bathrooms
four score ago it seems
that being stuck in our cars during rush hour
was the worst of our quarantines
when we washed our hands
when it was convenient
when we went outside for reasons
beyond just to see if we still can
when sitting next to each other staring at our phones
was the only social distancing we practiced
when bad calls against our teams
were the most egregious of our grievances

we forgot
there will be death

we’ve always been plagued by pestilence
the stench of tyranny
has always wafted through our consciences
the trenches of warfare
have always swallowed the bravest of us
hurricanes have always been chasing us
and where they can’t reach
the earth still shakes us

we are haunted by holocausts
and the ghosts of gulags and the killing fields
ravaged by cancers
and small poxes with large body counts
scarred by martyrs jabbing airplanes into our arteries
we are slaves and masters
sashaying amidst knaves and massacres
we are log cabins
charred by fires by foraged by floods

there will be blood

if you’re like me
you’ve had some spare time to mull your mortality
the scourge of our sentience
the curse of becoming literate of our livelihood
is learning
that every life story will end
with a death sentence
perhaps more perplexing
if we’re just random collections of cells
why do we even care if those cells become infected?

if we’re just passengers on a sinking ship
why does it matter when the torpedos come?

there will be ambushes

this is not what my 2020 vision looked like
this is not how I wanted to grace the pages of history
but the history of grace would say
the course might change
but the destination doesn’t
the diseases, the afflictions, and the wars might change
but the reclamation mustn’t

we remembered

we remembered the hiding places
the helping hands that surfaced when the waves abated
the shelters and shining faces
the donations
the rebuilding after the wind ran out of breath
the new gardens germinating in the wastelands the fires left
the sacrifices
the freedom those soldiers forged from their foxholes
the Clara Bartons
the Mother Theresas
the doctors the researchers
the Pasteurs and the Jenners that
vaccinated us from the fates that awaited us
the morning sunrises
the Florence Nightingales
the innovation
the Wilbers that Forced liberation
the Harriet Tubmans, the Bonhöffers
the angels that emerged from the ashes carrying our sons and daughters

there will be heroes

we don’t always get to choose our battles
but we always get to choose what side we’re on
we’re all the cough
and the cure
every body counts

I guess now we find out what happens
when the only thing emptier than the aisles
are the streets
and the only thing fuller than our feeds
are the hospital beds
we’re going to have to reach past these devices
we hold at arm’s distance
and reach for an armistice

we’re gonna have to spend our courage on something besides Twitter
we’re gonna have to retrofit our hearts
and start using them for what hearts are for
because beyond these backlit screens
is a world
that needs us more than ever
this is not just a live stream of data to agonize to
this is our occasion to rise to
this is our time to feed, to teach, to sew
to nurse, and cherish, and clothe
to get to know,
to give, to protect, to serve
to heal, and feel, and show

there will be heroes

and if death knocks on our door
let it find us
by the side of someone we would die for
in the depths of this disaster
or any that follow
let us not forget
and love and laughter
let us rejoice
for that death sentence
is only the end of a chapter

there will be more

there will be more


Street Noise (a corona-poem)

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there’s a busy street behind my house
I can’t see it
the HOA built a wall just high enough
so that we can pretend it’s not there
but I can hear it

I’ve heard it every day I’ve lived here
as constant as the sunrise

the rumble of trucks hauling their precious cargo
the cry of sirens grieving over emergencies
the roar of motorcycles boasting about their horsepower
the familiar din of engines just… propelling people to work

radiating the steam of sweat
belting out songs in the key of stress
congregating errands into a concerto of vrooms
an auto-motopoeia

a perpetual auto-promenade between the lanes
painted on pavement
that plays out a lot like
starcrossed lovers
moving to and fro in the rhythm
of the stoplights

when we were considering buying this place
we listed “street noise” at the top of the “con” column
like babe “I’m not sure if I can bear to hear that every day”

but the property had a lot of pros too
so we chose to learn to deal with it

the noise is less these days
those poor vrooms
disassociated by social distancing
they sound a lot more like lonesome solos
than a symphony
I wake up every morning hoping I can still hear something

because if I don’t
if the engines run dry
if the mufflers become exhausted
if the batteries die and
the tires retire from the tango

if the whooshes can no longer as much as whisper

if that street succumbs to silence

I’m not sure if I can bear to hear what’s next


The Toil of the Royals

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I used to think it would be cool to have my name written on a star
but they get trampled on a lot more
than I thought more
I think about it though
I can relate
to footprints on my face
these life stories sampled from plots formed
at angles we didn’t even know were possible
we lean into these summer evenings
in white t-shirts and blue dreams
silhouettes all tangled up in blue beams
and tonight
smells like popcorn
but all these superheroes can only save us for a couple hours
before exit signs expertly escort us down hallways

we spill out all over the concrete
only there are no ushers to clean us up before the next showing
bemoaning the body blows
of reality juxtaposing its fists into the pits of our stomachs
you know it as well
as you know the smell
before it rains
and it’s ash raining down
volcanoes of crushed hope, flurries of hashtags
and it’s like we’re just the butt of jokes in dirty ash tray towns
there’s no uber to lyft us to the promised land
there’s no app for
these mostly meaningless moments that don’t make it to instagram
Lorde said “we’ll never be royals…”
inevitably we toil in the fields
settling for soil
I guess because it just feels
more familiar to our heels
thrashing in these tabernacles of clay
decking the halls with wrecking balls
antagonists on the ragged papyrus of our own screenplays
we scroll on
no wonder we yearn for the reinforcing ropes of intertwined fingers
we’re just trying to hold on
we’re just trying to hold on

shout out to the survivors
living for something can be a lot harder than dying for it
we’re just out here trying for it
sometimes our status here would have us fear
but there’s something super magical about the supernatural strength
we receive in our weakness
the Lord said we’d be royals
do we believe it?
if this is what carbon does at room temperature
imagine what it does in the flames of sanctification
like if dust could become us
us couldn’t become indestructible?
we look up beyond the stratosphere
and marvel at heavenly bodies
and forget the majestic heritage that we inherited
well, here’s a prayer for the heritage
cuz we got a flair for the heritage
if we could just dare to wear the heritage
I mean the crown of creation
the triumph of transformation
the eternal endurance of exaltation
these are the merits of illumination
so let the light come
there’s a reason our day dreams are so much sweeter than our night ones

life is not a highway
it’s a runway
we are not confined to this asphalt
we are not defined by past faults
but future victories
with these wings the sky is not even the limit
because the real superhero saved us for a couple forevers
and he didn’t suffer in the garden so that we’d have to stay in it
that’s a sovereignty worth honoring
and it’s why
every single book of life is worth authoring
this is our world
let’s play in it, embody the experience
until the day they make statues of us
shaped out of godly experience
befitting to who we are
there’s no need to audition
to be figures on some worldly boulevard
our names are already written
in the stars


The Hospital

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imagine a hospital
not just any hospital
but the best hospital in the world
the finest doctors all at the forefronts of their fields
the most cognizant and caring nurses
all the latest cutting-edge technology
the most rigorously tested
and the most vigorously effective medicine
even the cafeteria food
is peppered with excellence

now, it’s not perfect
no human institution ever is
despite the best of motives
mistakes have been made
not everyone has been saved
with all the flaws, the mishaps, and misdiagnoses
it has done the most this world has ever seen
to put people back on their feet

this is the hospital that everyone wants to go to
because they know
it’s the best chance they have to be healed
of whatever’s broken
it’s what they’ve put their hope in
because their neighborhood hospital either doesn’t have the dreams or the means to remodel

some people are fortunate
they were born in this hospital
and they have lifetime passes
they’re so used to it
they don’t even know how good they have it
sure, they might have to endure some renovations
but they definitely didn’t have to die pouring the foundation

this hospital happily accepts as many people as it can
even a lot of folks that don’t even have appointments

some people travel a long way
on dangerous, dusty, forsaken, and forsworn roads
limping on last legs
and they finally arrive only to find…
the doors are closed

the hospital can only take so many patients at a time
if it gets overrun, overcrowded, overworked, and over-burdened
the quality of treatment starts to decline
until eventually, the entropy of chaos renders it in ineffective
and everything that once made its famed operations possible
is gone

see, when that knob doesn’t turn
it doesn’t mean there aren’t doctors and nurses inside sobbing
it’s not because they don’t care about the injured,
the less fortunate, the downtrodden

it’s because they do

they know that if the hospital falls
and becomes just a lawless free for all
it can’t help anybody
it will cease to be a beacon
thieved of it’s meaning
as it recedes deep into the fog of forgotten freedom

if you are one of the more fortunate
please, don’t take a torch to it
instead of tearing it down
become a physician
make it your mission
to make the hospital immeasurably more efficient
increase your capacity
help the hospital construct some new floors
so that it can open up some new doors

make it strong
so that it can continue to lift the weight of the world
because these infections, these diseases, these epidemics
they’re heavy
and the world doesn’t need more enemies
it need remedies
